TSKAMATH TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD is ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Company, incorporated to provide quality solution from off the shelf and customised products
What drives us
In India, Projects, Hobby, DIY, 3D Printing & CNC has not taken off mainly due to factors like lack of awareness, non availability of quality components and consumables. We desire to make this technology accessible to the “Makers” community of India. TSKTECH's goal is to provide Quality products with fast and reliable delivery, at reasonable price.
Our Challenge
In order to create prototype, we wanted a 3D Printer. The 3D printers or kits in India were over priced or finding a reliable supplier was not easy, even in 2017. We finally managed to get a 3D printer but faced extreme challenges to get good quality prints. Like us there are lot student’s, startup’s, hobbyist, scientist, etc., We decided to make experiences and learning available to the community and make both 3D Printing and CNC machining service available to the community along with other products.
What we will deliver
We are committed to our cause of bringing DIY to India. We aim to make solution out of product “Products 2 Solutions”. All our products are sourced from various suppliers but tested by us. Our customers need not worry on the Quality, MoQ or suitability for any of the products that we have made available on www.tsktech.in for your projects be it DIY, Commercial or Home Improvements.