Manual for TM619 Timer Switch

Models Available

TM619 series is Panel-Mount Digital Timer with the following options

  1. TM619X-Y: possible value for Y
    • -1: 120VAC main supply
    • -2: 240VAC main supply (we stock only this type)
    • -3: 24VAC/VDC
    • -4: 12VDC
  2. TM619X-Y: possible value for X
    • L: Volt Output, 250Vac/16Amp Rating
    • H: Volt Output, 250Vac/20Amp Rating
    •   : Blank ie no Value : Volt-Free contact, 250Vac/16Amp Rating
  3. Output is either volt-free (5PIN) or volt-output (4PIN).
  4. Battery Backup option to provide programming memory backup.
    1. Replaceable Lithium CR2032 or
    2. Rechargeable V80H are equipped with Timer

Models Variation We Sell

We stock the 230VAC option marked in BOLD

  1. Replaceable Battery
  2. Rechargeable Battery
    1. TM619H-2 (4PIN) / TM619L-2 (4PIN) Click to Buy
    2. TM619H-2 (5PIN) / TM619L-2 (5PIN)

Download a manual of the product sold by us, the latest / new featured TM619 Timers Latest Manual

Download a old version of the manual, it's still valid but not up to date click here to download old manual


Programing & Operation



Keep CLOCK key pressed, then press:

DAY: to update the indicated day of week;
HOUR: to update the indicated hour;
MIN: to update the indicated minutes.


The terms MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA & SU, correspond to the weekdays in English:

MO= Monday; TU= Tuesday; WE= Wednesday; TH= Thursday; FR= Friday; SA=Saturday; SU= Sunday;

How to use the Timer

Video in Other Languages

25 thoughts on “Manual for TM619 Timer Switch

  1. I have purchased TM 619 timer and want to connect it for my 3.5 ampere rating water pump. Shall I supposed to use contactor or can directly connect. Please guide me detailed wiring connections.

  2. Hi, i have purchased a T.M 619, i need to start the motor at 1 and half an hour interval for 30 seconds everyday each time. Can you please suggest me how to set the program in the timer. Thanks

    1. see the video “SET THE TIMER to AUTO ON & OFF the Scheduled Timing” above, please note the min interval is 1MIN (60SEC), this timer does not 30SEC SCHEDULE

  3. Frontier TM 619 ZIN 4P ECO FSH
    CR 2032 CELL

    DATE of purchase14 JUN 2019
    Not holding the time settings. Clock get reset programing also get disturbed. Request suggestions.
    Joseph 9494884739

    1. please change the battery, CR2032 (also available in medical shop, ask of battery for Accu Check – diabetic meter)

  4. Send circuit diagram for 1.5 hp submersible water pump with TM-619H-2 Timer switch , i purchased this

  5. Sir I buy your timmer And replace Battery also but once electricity gone timer all data was deleted.kindly suggest what Will do. Plz send reply in hindhi

    1. Dear Mufaddal, the reset of the timer happens when battery is low, which battery you have purchased.. ? pls buy good quality battery, above 35RS “टाइमर का रीसेट तब होता है जब बैटरी कम हो, आपने कौन सी बैटरी खरीदी है ..? pls अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाली बैटरी खरीदें, 35RS से ऊपर”

  6. I have purchased TM 619H2 …the data gets erased once mains switch turned off.. it seems the rechargeable battery is not working.. how to repkace this rechargeable battery?

  7. Sir I have purchased your product it worked for some days then due to voltage fluctuation it now shows only time but not giving output also red light not coming on, where can I repair your product on Mumbai give me address and contact no.

    1. Dear Mario,

      these are COB, no repairable parts,

      at times, the power supply section can be repaired by local TV mechanics, ask him to change the X2 Capacitor

      1. Sir I have got a refund back for my and also purchased another one , but will try to repair it by a TV mechanic , thanks for the advice.

  8. how to set desired time like, in mobiles there is timer option there and i can set 10 mins and start the timer, after 10 min it will stop. can i set same timer in frontier TM-619-2 (5pin) model…?

    1. its called count down feature, we have both manual count down and scheduled count down

  9. I had purchased TM-619H during September 2019. Timer has failed due to flashover of capacitor. Dealer replied that there is no warranty for the same. I want to replace the burnt capacitor. Are the spares & PCB layout available? Please confirm.

    1. u can buy the X2 cap at the local electronic spares shop in ur city, please not when a flash happens there can be other parts also gone bad, hence its not worth trying to repair the timer

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